
Data security trends for a remote workforce in 2021

2020 was an extraordinarily turbulent year, with most of the world forced to work remotely for extended periods of time. From an IT perspective, this meant there was a significant focus on making sure businesses were fully operational whilst working remotely. This included, for example, a significant rise in the uptake of collaboration enhancing technology, such as Microsoft Teams, which enables colleagues to communicate via chat, audio and video.

In terms of technology, most current trends are directly driven or influenced by the COVID 19 pandemic. Whilst 2020 was about making businesses function, 2021 will be about ensuring these businesses are operating securely.

The pandemic has presented new risks and challenges for businesses of every size and industry. This increased risk demands the need for improved data security strategies, to protect businesses from a data breach, financial loss and reputational damages for companies.

To help you understand how to protect your business this year, we’ve outlined our five top data security trends to look out for in 2021.

Data security trend 1: Evolving threats

Over the course of 2020 and the beginning of 2021, there has been a significant increase in the number of cyber-attacks carried out across the United Arab Emirates. Cybercriminals are taking advantage of uncertain political, social, and financial circumstances by creating more sophisticated, targeted attacks.

In fact, 2020 was a ‘boom year’ for ransomware and this is set to continue throughout 2021. Ransomware refers to a form of malware that encrypts all of a victim’s data. Once data is encrypted, the victim can no longer access the data they need. This is particularly dangerous for industries dealing with sensitive information, such as finance, law, or medicine. The attacker will then demand a ransom to restore the victim’s access to their data, via a decryption key. The cost of ransomware attacks can range from hundreds to thousands of Dirhams, potentially bankrupting smaller businesses.

In 2020, experts reported a significant rise in the volume of ransomware attacks. Cybercriminals recognised that, because businesses, schools and healthcare institutions are already struggling with the pandemic, they’d be more likely to pay the ransoms as they simply cannot afford to have their systems offline or their data exposed.

In addition to increased volume, cybercriminals have also created more sophisticated ransomware attacks. Rather than simply encrypting critical data, attackers are now more likely to steal sensitive information and threaten to release it if the ransom is not paid, causing considerable disruption as well as serious legal and reputational implications for the victimised business.

Experts predict that ransomware will continue to be one of the biggest threats in the future, not only for businesses but also for governmental bodies.

Data security trend 2: A three-layered way to deal with security

With digital assaults turning out to be more normal and more modern, it's basic that organizations make a move currently to forestall themselves being undermined. In general, there are three fundamental zones that entrepreneurs need to focus on with regards to information security: gadgets, clients, and email. In 2021, innovation ought to be actualized to guarantee these zones are made sure about in equivalent measure.


For the present, it would seem that distant working is staying put. Despite the pandemic, numerous organizations are planning for perpetual home working. Of 70 associations overviewed by network safety supplier Skybox, over a third said their labour force will stay distant for at any rate the following year and a half. Thusly, organizations need to make a suitable move to secure resources that are conveyed to far off labour forces. This incorporates actualizing compelling antivirus, oversaw gadget encryption, malware assurance and that's just the beginning. It is likewise fitting to have gauges set up to reliably screen the soundness of gadgets to guarantee that frameworks are stayed up with the latest.


Clients are regularly more helpless against digital assault when they're working distantly. Truth be told, as more individuals telecommute, it's anticipated that more representatives will take digital protection easy routes, preferring comfort over information security. Besides, it is currently more hard for representatives to request exhortation or backing if they're uncertain of the authenticity of an email, download or interface. Accordingly, organizations need to focus on the security of their clients all through 2021. At Mignet, we propose dim web observing, network protection mindfulness preparing, secret phrase the board frameworks and multifaceted confirmation.


Email bargain will keep on being perhaps the most monetarily harming on the web wrongdoings, just as being quite possibly the most famous types of digital assault and an especially decent vector for ransomware assaults. Truth be told, cybercriminals are starting to mechanize their email tricks, which means the number and reach of email-based digital assaults will see an emotional increment. In that capacity, organizations should be set up to deal with a tremendously expanded number of malignant messages.

Email security administrations, for example, email sifting administrations, interface assurance, email documenting and security inspecting will all contribute towards a safer email climate.

Data security trend 3: Revised cyber security strategies

In early 2021, most organisations are predicted to revise and renew their current cybersecurity strategies to account for the rise in remote working. For many, remote working won’t end when the pandemic ends, meaning long term measures need to be put in place to protect corporate data. Even those who will resume full-time office work will have been working remotely for the majority of the last year and will continue to do so for the foreseeable future. In short, security measures put in place on the assumption that the transition to remote work would be a temporary need to be reconsidered.

Revised cybersecurity strategies need to consider remote working practices and ensure the right data security measures are in place to maximise protection for devices, users, and email. Moreover, cybersecurity strategies need to become more advanced and comprehensive as threats from cybercriminals increase and develop, ensuring that all bases are covered when it comes to data protection.

Additionally, for many businesses, the pandemic has also had a positive influence, spurring them to start or accelerate digital transformation projects to ensure they’re outperforming competitors, adapting to a modern world, and delivering optimal customer experience. It’s important to also take into account digital transformation projects when revising your cybersecurity strategy, ensuring data security measures support all new developments in business. For more information on digital transformation and how it could apply to your business.

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    Data security trend 4: Bigger budgets

    Cybersecurity budgets are set to rise this year to higher than they were pre-pandemic. Although many businesses are struggling financially, those that can invest in data security understand that it’s a priority and are willing to do so. Additionally, many business owners know that investing in effective data security measures could prove more financially viable than not doing so.

    The risk of a data breach, financial loss, and reputational damage will likely be detrimental to most small to medium-sized businesses during these challenging times, which is why additional investment is vital. For more information on establishing your IT budget for 2021

    Data security trend 5: Detection not just protection

    Having the right measures in place to protect your business from cyber-attack is imperative for successful data security. However, it is becoming increasingly important for additional detection measures to be put in place.

    A proactive IT Support partner will consistently monitor your systems, detecting and solving potential IT issues or compromise before it disrupts your end-user. Moreover, dark web monitoring services can detect whether your login details have been exposed on the dark web, alerting you immediately so that you can change your passwords and prevent cybercriminals from gaining access to your data.

    Additionally, it is predicted that for the next few years, detection services will become even more advanced to keep up with increasing security threats. As such, it is extremely important to ensure you have the latest technology to detect cyber threats immediately, rather than just implementing measures to protect against them.

    We hope you found this information on data security trends 2021 helpful and can use it to maximise the security of your business. For more information on how we can help protect your business from increasing threats Contact us

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